Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dark side of holiness Durga Puja celebrations

his is dark side of holiness Durga Puja celebrations. Immersion of over 500 Durga idols in the next week is likely to increase pollution level of Brahmaputra threatening the existence of water organisms including rare species of river fish and aquatic plants. Holiest holidays can be marred by human foolishness. This time Brahmaputra is set for another toxic invasion with 500 clay idols of the goddess Durga and her pantheon are likely to be immersed in its murky waters in the next week. Notably, the idol makers use some toxic paints in idols. Such paints contain large amount of ingredients like cadmium, chromium, lead and zeldal nitrogen. Moreover, seven different categories of wastes like paints, plaster of paris, flowers, bamboos and other beautification materials and polythene and plastics will go into the already polluted water. These materials are dangerous for any living being. The capital city saw over 500 idols being immersed along with the decorative materials after the popular four- day Durga puja festival that ended on Monday. According to a study of Assam Pollution control Board APCB, such toxic materials have been found in the Brahmaputra due to immersion of the idols in last several years. The river water pollution affects water organism and aquatic plants. It also causes various diseases as 90 per cent of the city people have to depend on Brahmaputra water. But there is no specific guidelines from the administration to for protection of rive organism and aquatic plants. Over the years, the APCB warned all DCs across the state on the use of such toxic paints in Durga idols. What makes the situation worse is that the district administration never took any hard steps for stopping use of such toxic paints. Many idol makers are knowingly and un knowingly using such toxic paints in their idols. Brahmaputra in Guwahati is already polluted with million litres of sewage enter the river daily. Environmental experts, however, say the administration never bothers to stop uses of colours according to APCB guidelines. This is just another example of our environmental apathy. Thus Durga Puja celebration pose a danger to the lives of water organisms like fish and the dolphin, an endangered species.


Manu said...

There the lead and mercury in the paint kills the fish. Yes the very fish that finds its way on to your plate and poisons you, bit by little bit, with cancer, liver damage and worse. The environment our celebration pollutes isn’t a river far away, but is in our bodies and our lives.

This year, a heartening change is sweeping through a fair section of Puja committees. Toxic paints are being dumped for eco-friendly dyes. And even if some are only paying lipservice, the winds of change are surely blowing this autumn. The onus is on you and me to insist and ensure that our local Puja isn’t poisoning the very waters that sustain us.

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