Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sugru being hailed as best invention since Sellotape

ondon, Dec 1 (ANI): Sugru, a new invention by an art student based in a warehouse in east London, is being hailed as the most exciting product since Sellotape or Blu-Tack by design experts.

The product has been invented by Jane Ni Dhulchaointigh, a former art student, and is determined to give old and broken household objects a new lease of life.

Sugru, an Irish word for play, is a silicone, which can be used to glue things together, patch leaky boots, or create a variety of custom-made handles, hooks, and feet for wobbly chair legs.

It looks-like kids’ modelling clay, which once out of its airtight packet, can be moulded into any shape and fixed onto leather, metal, ceramic, wood and plastic.

After about 24 hours it “cures” and will adhere to any substance with the strength of ultra strong glue but it does not become rock hard. Instead, it stays slightly flexible.

“I was inspired by the internet and the whole idea of user-generated content. I wanted something that people could make their own and use in their own way,” the Telegraph quoted Dhulchaointigh as saying.

“A lot of stuff gets thrown away not just because it is broken but because it has stopped being useful or fashionable. If you can adapt it or hack it that’s got to be better than putting it in the bin,” Dhulchaointigh added.

The product has caught the eye of design experts who have tested it out and described as the best thing since Sellotape and Blu-Tack.

Guy Robinson, the head of the design consultancy Sprout Design, said: “I think this will really take off. I just hope people realise how great it is. It allows you to customise your own stuff by making it ergonomic. Too much industrial design is not ergonomic enough.”

Robinson said that he had already used it to make custom-made handles for hospital crutches. (ANI)


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